

Dev Victor

I am

Okorie Victor

I am a software Engineer, I build tech solutions that help individuals and businesses thrive. I specialize in creating mobile and web applications with renowned technologies.

See what I am pretty good at!

My Skills

Fullstack Development

I biuld full web applications including front-end and back end. Competent in HTML, Css, Javascript, ReactJs, PHP (CORE and Laravel), ASP MVC with C#.

Product Design/ Ux Design

I offer professional Ux design and research. Ux Designs helps organisations make the best decisions on app lookss and structure even before the development starts.

Mobile Application Development

I biuld cross platform applications with the react native framework. Mobile apps are a great way to engage more with users as you product will appear on their mobile menu, easily acessible and faster than a webpage


Competent in pyhon Programming language and data science.

Database Management (MySQL, MongoDB)

Databases store application data and are a very integral part of any project. It is important to properly structure and prototype a data-set that suits teh project needs.

Search Engine Optimization

I can assist you in increasing the visibility of your website by optimizing your website seo features. Search engines needs to be able to index your web contents easily to keep you on top search results.

Additional Skills

I am skilled in Git and verion control, Nodejs, Shell scripting and server management.

Here are a few details about me!

About Me

My name is Okorie Victor Ifeanyichukwu
I am a software Engineer, I build tech solutions that help individuals and businesses thrive. I specialize in creating mobile and web applications with renowned technologies.

I love learning new stuffs as i am always currious to try new technologies and see what to create with them. It has been an interesting journey in the tech industry building things and wacthing them work out just fine.

I am currently a freelance developer and you can reach out to me about any tech project.

Recent projects

My portfolio

Smartify Hub

E cormerce project for smart electronics store

Under construction

Global chattels express

A real estate company website Built with Laravel.


An online market place for women fashion, hairs and beauty products. Built with Wordpress, Woocormerce and paystack

Vikaxnet Brand website

COmpany website built using HTML,CSS Bootstrap

GCX ERP: Sales Record Management App

A sales app to record clients details, products, create sales and generate reciepts. Built with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap PHP, Mysql,


A peer to peer online market place for digital assets exchange


A todo list Application Built in ReactJs


A Qcode generator. Built with reactjs. Generates qcodes that can be saved as png

Currency HQ

A conrrency Converter Built using react Js and API

Do you have a tech project?

Please kindly reach out to me.

Contact Me

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